diy - electronics - guitar - music gear - pedals

Maxon OD-820 Clone: Aion Electronics “Nimbus”

Pictured here is my newest completed pedal project.  It’s the Aion Electronics Nimbus Overdrive.  Recently I had built myself a Klon clone and found it useful enough to include in my rig. If you didn’t know, the Klon is kind of known for it’s prominent mid-hump EQ. At first, I wasn’t really too crazy about this, but ultimately I decided that the contrasting nature of the Klon to my other OD tones was a good thing and this secured it a space on my board. While browsing the Aion Electronics shop, I came across the Nimbus. The one thing I really like about this site […]

music gear - new - pedals

Klon Clone Demo

OK, this video is 75% the Klon clone, but I give Amp 11 and the Fuzz Tool Jr. a fair amount of play, I think. Well, here are my thoughts on the Klon. First off, I have absolutely no first-hand experience with the real thing. But with this Klon clone being a part-for-part reproduction of the original, I trust that I’ve assembled something that sounds faithful to the genuine article.