I know I mentioned that I’d be featuring my new pedalboard in upcoming entires…this is not it.
At some point I realized that my days of acquiring effects resulted in a small stash of pedals that I didn’t use. So I wondered if I’d be able to make a complete and usable mini effects rig out of them. This is what came about from that curiosity. It’s mounted on a Pedaltrain Mini, and is pretty much really all I need to facilitate my style of playing. What it lacks, you’ll see when I feature my full board. Video demo coming soon, hopefully.
What I like about a stripped down set-up is that it sorta forces you to make do with less. This mini board is made up of exactly half the number of pedals of my full rig. Granted, the effects on this mini board are pretty much the ones I have on most of the time when I’m using my full board, I think the novelty of this smaller set-up still being able to pack quite a punch makes this configuration appealing.
Here’s the signal chain:
Morley Maverick
Boss TU-2
MXR Analog Chorus
Lovepedal Amp11
Boss OD-3
Boss DD-5 (w/ Monte Allums mod)
UPDATE: demo below