Casio Exilim EX-S770


this is my casio compact digital point-and-shoot camera. all I really want to say is that this is all around a great camera. why say this all of a sudden??? well last night I was looking back at all the pictures I had taken with it and it was just fun to see all the experiences I had been through. i was curious to see how far the earliest picture dated back, and to my surprise i’ve had this camera for close to 2 years now. it’s still chugging along quite strong and takes super long (and good quality) videos and pretty decent images (if you know how to set it).

this camera should last me ’til the end of 2009 or longer. i just haven’t felt the need to upgrade. many new features in recent years were just useless bells and whistles aimed at camera tech-tarded consumers (ie, face detection). i mean, i can recognize faces pretty well on my own. but what i’d really like in my next camera is high-speed shutter speed/video capture, HD video, and  optical image stabilization.

this (or something like it) might be next: EX-FC100


why exilims? i don’t know, i just like ’em.

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