bicycles - diy - fixed gear

Back To The Old Kilo TT

So I spent the better part of this past Saturday swapping all the parts of my bike back to my old Kilo TT frame. The difference of the geometry between the white frame and this one is slight, but I like this one a bit more. It’s getting warmer and I can’t wait to ride again.

bicycles - fixed gear

White Kilo

Been meaning to post about this for months now. This is my current build…but I might go back to my old black Kilo…haha!  


Mercier Kilo TT

Here is (was) my Kilo TT. When I took this photo, I had no idea it was the last photo I would take of this bike.  But no worries! It hasn’t been stolen. I purchased a new white lugged Kilo frame and transferred most of the parts over. more on the new build in a later post!

bicycles - crazy - wtf?


Inspired. Danny MacAskill from dave on Vimeo. this is simply the most amazing display of skill on a bicycle. i’m subscribed to a bunch of blogs dedicated to all things bicycling and have seriously gotten tired of watching all these kids on fixies spinning around and skidding and acting all alternative. in the past 6 months it seems like everyone and their mothers and grandmothers and great grandmothers have been releasing trailers for fixed gear videos. they were cool at first – now they’re a little boring and a little annoying. but THIS…this is FRESH (and i mean this in […]

bicycles - fun - nyc - personal

Kryptonite Mini U-Lock & Holster

bike theft in NYC is a pretty big problem. i’m glad that i went with kryptonite’s “fahgettaboudit” chain lock shortly after i bought my bike. however, over the months i’ve come to realize that the chain lock is a bit of a nuisance to carry around if i’m wearing a bag. i can really only carry it one way – across my shoulder. some people can wear it around their waist, but i’m not that skinny. anyway, i’ve finally gotten my hands on the mini U-lock by the “fahgettaboudit” name. it is perfect. the only drawback is that i can’t […]

bicycles - diy

DIY: toe strap doubler

i like DIY stuff, especially when it’s fairly easy to do and the results are pleasing. here’s a DIY toe strap doubler that i put together (instructions found here). i had to go to 3 places to get all the ingredients. home depot: hole puncher 39th street (lots of fabric/crafts stores): rivets rivet tool james (neighborhood belt guy): sheet of leather *i already had a straight edge, blade, and cutting mat the original instructions called for 12 rivets for each side, but i think the rivets that i bought were just a tad larger than what was pictured so i […]

bicycles - iphone

wordpress app on iphone

just testing out this application :) if you didn’t know, I got myself an iPhone a little over a week ago and have been having a blast (a few quibbles here and there) using it! here’s a photo just for the sake of testing out this app. I just took this from inside a starbucks. it’s my bike and it’s very difficult to steal…especially with me sitting in plain sight of it! will update more later!